Monthly Prayer Focus

A big thank you to all those who joined us for our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting! We had over 16,000 people from all over the country calling in. It’s so evident that, when we join together, we make such a huge impact for the kingdom. Let’s continue to pray together and support one another in the great work God is doing in our communities!



by Bishop Van Moody


Join our Monthly Prayer Call

Every 15th of the month  |   Time: 7AM CST

Call in Number: 1-775-799-9087

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Prayer Focus:

Spiritual Leadership

During the month of February, we’re joining together to come before God on the subject of spiritual leadership. All of us are called to be spiritual leaders in one way or another; let’s ask the Holy Spirit to fill us with the strength and wisdom to lead others closer to God! Let’s also pray for our own spiritual leaders–– that they would have blessing and endurance in their role.

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Prayer Focus:


During March, we’re praying for strength. Each of us reaches the end of our own strength at some point. This is why it’s critical to daily come before God and ask Him to fill us with His strength! We can also intercede for others who are feeling weak and exhausted.

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Prayer Focus:

Your relationship with Jesus

During the month of April, we’re praying about our relationship with Jesus. This is one of the most essential subjects of prayer. There’s no higher priority than growing closer to Jesus. Get rid of any distractions, and join us as we seek to know Him more.

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Prayer Focus:


Our prayer topic for May is forgiveness. No matter what side of the forgiveness equation we happen to be on (hint: we’re on both sides), we need God’s strength and grace in order to receive, and offer, forgiveness. Let’s come before Him and reflect on His forgiveness, as we make an effort to exercise forgiveness in our own lives.

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Prayer Focus:


During the month of June, we’ll be praying on the subject of rest, or Sabbath. This is an essential part of every person’s life. Without rest, we’ll become exhausted, discouraged, and burnt out. God calls us to rest; let’s pray that He will empower us to slow down, breathe, and focus on Him.

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Prayer Focus:


Our prayer topic for the month of July is attitude. Your attitude shapes your thoughts, behaviors, words, and actions. This is why it’s critical for our attitudes to align with God’s truth. How do you change your attitude? You ask God to help! Let’s come together and ask Him to correct our attitudes.

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The Breakthrough Prayer Journal

This year, as part of our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting experience, we created a special resource that many utilized. It's called Breakthrough Prayer: A Journal for 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting, we are still offering it during our monthly prayer focus. This journal was designed to serve as a field guide for you during any fast. This is a great tool to help you reflect and apply what the Lord is showing you during our monthly prayer journey. This invaluable tool will record what God does in and through you during this time. Order your copy today!


Spend Daily Time With God.

Do your SOAP Devotion and post on social media daily what God said to you using the hashtag #whatgodsaidtome

How does it work?

When you have your daily quiet time, read the scriptures that correlate with the month and day. Here is a link that will help you understand how to do a SOAP Devotional

In your journal, focus on 4 distinct areas:

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Write the verse or verses that spoke to you during your reading.

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Write down what the context of the scripture is? What is happening? Who is it happening to? Why is it happening?

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How does the scripture and observation apply to what is happening to you or in your environment currently?

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Write a prayer to God based on what you just learned and ask Him to help you apply this truth in your life.

The Next Season of 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting and our 24hr Prayer Service Begins in August.

August 2-22, Daily Prayer Calls - August 21-22, 24hr Prayer Service









A few of the Praise Reports from our 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting

"My little brother and his wife have been trying to have a baby. During the second year of their marriage they had to endure a miscarriage. It was difficult for the entire family but especially my sister in law. They began very expensive fertility treatments only to have it end in failure on thanksgiving. My sister in law was done. But we kept praying. On Sunday my brother called to tell me THEY ARE EXPECTING!!! He was surprised but I stopped him. I wasn’t surprised because I knew my God was going to make it happen for them. All in his timing!"

"Thank You Jesus for Your Blood! We received news today that my Dad is officially in remission from leukemia and his labs are trending in a healthy direction! We called his name in prayer on Day 1 of our fasting season this month. In addition, the Lord provided luxury transportation services from home to the clinic for appointments, round trip all month! Over the past few weeks, my parents have experienced a better quality of life and are looking to their future together with family."

"On January 6, 2020, Grayson my grandson was born not breathing. The nurses and doctors attempted to get a heart beat for twenty minutes. They were finally able to get his heart to beat and he was immediately placed on a ventilator. On January 16th, Bishop you called out his name on the call for prayer. On Saturday January 25th, Grayson was removed from the ventilator and all other machines. He is now breathing on his own. Although medically they say he has a long way to go, we are still believing our ABBA Father for the continued miracles that He has for Grayson!! My family is thankful for all the prayers. #BreakThroughPrayer2020"

"I previously asked for prayer for my mother Eddie Bryant who is receiving chemo and radiation. This week we learned that her tumor is literally melting so fast that the Doctors are amazed. She still has a few more weeks of treatment but she will not need anymore chemo after this round! Our prayer is that she will not need anymore radiation either. But if she does we are so encouraged by Gods healing to this point that we know that this tumor will be eradicated! God is faithful to heal and we give him all the glory and praise."

Leave your Praise Report below.

Do you have a prayer request?