The Best Kept Secret of Sustained Success
Many of you have heard the famous quote by Irving Berlin, “The toughest thing about success is that you’ve got to keep on being a success.” And most of us can attest to the truth in his statement. Some people seem to understand how to become successful, but not how to stay on top. In some instances, their downfall is caused by others but most times the fault is theirs. Think about it – the steps to success are quite different than the steps required to stay successful.
Proverbs 22:2 reminds us, “Rich and poor have this in common: The Lord is the Maker of them all.” In other words, all success comes from God, and it is through Him that we can achieve and sustain true success. Historical accounts and modern-day news stories attest to the fact that seemingly successful people suffer because personal weakness took them from the pinnacle of success to total disgrace. The reason for their fall is much the same as the reason some of us have the potential for success but never achieve it. Has it happened to you? There seems to be no reason we can’t live the life we long for, but every time we pursue our purpose, we get derailed.
How do we get past the barriers which have blocked us from the greatness we were born to enjoy and the abundant life God desires for us. John the Baptist tells us in John 3:27 when he says, “To this John replied, ‘A person can receive only what is given them from heaven.’” Essentially, John is saying it is not possible for a person to succeed without God’s help. As we read in Proverbs, everything, every ability, and every position is God’s gift! To be defined as successful comes only from our God-given ability to be successful.
Even so, those who have God’s favor and achieve success can still tumble from their positions, when they, like King Saul, choose to act foolishly (I Samuel 10-13). It is important that we give Saul credit for his successes with God. God used Saul to win many battles, unite a people, and prophesy in His Name. Saul was everything most of us are seeking today – empowered with the Holy Spirit and able to do the impossible for God. Even so, Saul eventually fell victim to jealousy, disobedience, fear, impatience, pride, and making excuses. This week, in light of these truths, let us seek God in any area we may be struggling and hindering our success in Him.
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