It’s Time to Peel the Onion

Oct 7 / Van Moody

We don’t have to look far to realize personal identity is a big component of personal success. What encompasses our personal identity? It’s our personal assessment of who we are and why we are significant. Our personal identity is the compass that guides us – keeps us centered and focused on what matters most. If we are insecure in our identity we tend to focus on the expectations of others and as a result we often fail because we are trying to fit someone else’s ideal for us (to impress them, to please them, or to measure up to their expectations). We need to understand our true value in order to be authentic and enjoy the abundant life God wants for us.

We all know it, but let’s read John 3:16  together – “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” How did God show each of us just how valuable we are to Him? We don’t get any more valuable than that!  

So, just how do we discover our personal identity? It requires a journey of self-discovery which may be the most rewarding of our lives though it won’t be easy. Like peeling an onion, we must remove layer by layer of experiences, fears, disappointments, and more to get to the core – our genuine personal identity. Once we strip away all we are not, we can tap into our true selves and our actual value. Our identity is not based on what we do or on our circumstances. Our identity comes from God who calls us by name, proclaims us as His own, loves us faithfully, and created us for His glory (Isaiah 43:1,4,7).

Our true identities come from all God has given us and as a result we can draw strength from Him and not our own efforts. Our value and self-worth stand firm in our relationship with God. This week let’s strive to remember we are established by our identity in Christ not by what we do. When we know that, we can bounce back regardless of our circumstances because who we are in God makes all things possible.

Ask God to help you find your” who” in Him which is significantly more important than your “do.” He’ll show you not only your true identity but your value in Him.