Transparency: Knowing Yourself – Knowing Yourself as Deeply Loved

Jan 30 / Van Moody

Continuing in our journey to transparency, we’ve learned to put off our false selves and this week, we begin understanding our true selves better. Let’s read Ephesians 3:17b-19. “… And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.”

God really loves us! For us to be our true selves we have to know ourselves fully and that means knowing ourselves as we are known by God. It’s exactly what Paul is telling us in Ephesians. We have to look at God and truly see how God looks at us. Grounding our knowledge in how God sees us anchors us in God and His truth. 

We are created in God’s image and he loves us with depth, persistence, and intensity beyond imagination. He sees us through eyes of love and His love is unconditional, unlimited, and unimaginably extravagant. Love is both our identity in Him and our calling. We are created from love, of love, and for love. We fully exist only within God’s love. 

A quick reading of Romans 8:35-39 confirms God’s deep love for us explaining that nothing can separate us from God’s love. In order for us to our knowledge of God’s love to truly transform us, we have to ground our identity in God, to fully comprehend how deeply we are loved by Him. 

This week as we grow to know ourselves better, may all that we do flow form our understanding of how deeply God loves us for when we are touched by His perfect love – we will never be the same.             

If you to delve deeper into God’s Word with us this year, there’s still time to pick up your copies of A Year to a Better You, the year-long devotional, and the companion S.O.A.P. Journal.