Trusting God in Uncertain Times

Feb 3 / Van Moody
As we enter the second month of the new year, you may be considering the way forward in your efforts to trust God more. Many are apprehensive about the new presidential administration, with some even considering leaving the country. While many are looking to escape whatever the coming years may hold, we need to remember God provided the original escape plan for His people. In fact, most will be pleased to know the same escape plan exists today – the only requirement is that we trust God more!  

Most are familiar with Exodus 7-12, where God brings plagues against Egypt, setting a distinction between His people and Pharoah’s people, and making a way of escape for His people. Egypt, while a physical, historical place, is also representative of a world system set against God. God’s people were living in Egypt, a single place, but two distinct realities existed there. It is a truth we need to understand – in every place, there is the kingdom of the world and the Kingdom of God.  

As we set a course forward it is crucial we understand that trusting God makes all the difference. In Exodus 6:6-9, before Moses ever confronts Pharoah, before the plagues ever begin, God instructs Moses to speak to the people about His promises. The promises go back to God’s promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to bless their children in Genesis 17. God proclaimed it an everlasting covenant and swore by Himself to uphold it.  

Moses reminds them of the covenant – the promise over their lives. For us, it the reason it is crucial for us to know our identity in Christ – our spiritual lineage goes back to that very promise. Understanding the promise helps us change our thinking, shift our perspective, and alter our outlook away from present challenges and discouragements keeping us from believing God’s promises. Where is your focus right now – are you trusting and believing God’s Word and his promises or are you allowing your present circumstances to keep you from trusting God? As we pray and delve into the Word this week may we come to realize the Word of God is more real and more substantial than anything we are facing and trust God more!